Frailea pumila
Original Publication Echinocactus pumilus Lemaire, Cact. Aliq. Nov. 21. 1838. Original Description Globosus, minimus, apice subumbilicatus, minutissimè tuberculatus, albo densissimè tenuissimèque punctulatus, intensè viridis, aliquandòque ex totâ parte rubescens. Distribution Paseo de los Libres to Mercedes, Corrientes, Argentina References in Literature ▪ Alexander Arzberger - Unser Mitglied in Paraguay vorgestellt. Internoto 32:2, pages 53-56 ▪ Alweer een artikel over Frailea's. J.J. De Morree, Succulenta (Netherlands) 68(5): 100-103, 1989. ▪ Blütenfresser in rotblühenden Notokakteen. Norbert Gerloff. Piante Grasse, Volume 30, number 03, juli-september 2010. ▪ Cactussen. Cactus V03 - 1971, pag. 89-96 ▪ De genus Frailea Geschiedenis en cultuur. Albert Leroy. Cactussen en Vetplanten, 25e jaargang 2008, no 1. ▪ Eine kleine Reise durch Rio Grande do Sul, den südlichsten Bundesstaat Brasiliens. Andreas Hofacker. Kaktusblüte, April 2003. ▪ Fascinating Frailea, Part 1: General impressions. Marlon C Machado. Cactus World (BCSS) Volume 25 No. 1 March 2007. ▪ Fascinating Frailea, Part 2: Review of the species from Rio Grande do Sul. Marlon C Machado. Cactus World (BCSS) Volume 25 No. 2 June 2007. ▪ FLORE ILLUSTRÉE DE L'URUGUAY. Cactus (Paris) No 44 Mai 1955, pag 179. ▪ FLORE ILLUSTRÉE DE L'URUGUAY. Cactus (Paris) No 45 Juillet 1955, pag 203 and 205. ▪ Frailea; een groot Zuid-Amerikaans geslacht. Jan Jaap de Morree. Succulenta (Netherlands) 73(4): 191-194, 1994. ▪ Frailea knippeliana, verkannt? verschollen? ausgerottet? Wilhelm Simon. KuaS 1970,_no 2,_page 40. ▪ Frailea pygmaea in Argentinien. Wolfgang Papsch. Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 68 (12) 2017. ▪ Frailea’s ook in Paraguay. Ludwig Bercht & Volker Schädlich. Succulenta (Netherlands) 87(1):36-42. 2008. ▪ Fundortdokumentation. Norbert Gerloff. Internoto 31:4, pages 117-121. ▪ Growing fraileas. Angie Money. Cactusworld (BCSS) Volume 26, No. 1 March 2008. ▪ Gymnocalycium in Argentijns laagland. Ludwig Bercht. Succulenta (Netherlands) 75(2): 62-66, 1996. ▪ Notiz aus der Provinz Corrientes Argentinien - Teil 1. Fabian Font. Internoto Volume 28, no. 1, 2007 ▪ Notocactus buiningii (Buxbaum) F. Ritter ist ein interessanter Kaktus. Stanislav Stuchlik. Internoto 27(3), 2006. ▪ Notocactus buiningii (Buxbaum) F. Ritter im Frühling. Internoto 32(1), 2011: 3-10 ▪ Op zoek naar Notocactus harmonianus Ritter. Norbert Gerloff. Succulenta (Netherlands) 73(4): 180-186, 1994. ▪ Paraguayaanse dwergen in de twintigste eeuw. Lubomir Berka, Succulenta (Netherlands) 79(5): 216-221, 2000. ▪ The Cactaceae. Britton & Rose, 1922. ▪ The Ritter Collections. Eggli, Muñoz & Leuenberger. Englera 16, pag. 602 and 603 Seedlists ▪ Cactussen en Verplanten zaadlijst 1984 ▪ Cactussen en Verplanten zaadlijst 1985 ▪ Seedlist KuaS 2020 ▪ Seedlist KuaS 2023 History Comments Field Numbers GN 89-145/332, LB 250, LB 621, GF 785 FR 1364, FR 1364a, FR 1365, FR 1367 FS 121 VoS 05 - 81 A full listing of all associated field collector data can be found on our field number reference pages. See Also More pictures Frailea pumila Gf 785 |