Culture plant of Discocactus hartmannii
Photo and description
Piet van der Laken

Discocactus hartmannii AA96

  • Description

Echinocactus (Discocactus) hartmanni K.Schumann in: Mon.f.Kakt.k. X., page 170 (1900). 
Br. et R. in: The Cact.III page.217 (1912).

  • Short plantdescription  AA96 in culture

    Diameter of the culture plant  plant is ca. 10 cm. 
    Plant height without cephalium 7 cm. 
    The colour of the epidermis is dark green.  
    Number of ribs is 14. 
    Number of areoles per rib is 6 to 8 on plants with cephalium. 
    The shape of the areoles is oval. The cephalium has a white colour in which little red/brown spines.
    The number of radial spines is 5 tot 7, sometimes a few more.
    The length of the spines is 0,5 tot 1,5 cm. 
    The shape of the spines is slightly recurved backwards and the colour is brownish.

  • Remarks

If the plants are placed on a very sunny spot the tip af the areoles becomes bronze.

There are only a few differences in the ssp. D hartmannii among  hartmannii; patulifolius; mamillosus; magnimammus; bonitoensis and giganteus.

  • Literature

K.u.a.S. XX1, page 4-8 (1970). 
Discocactus Venlo 1980 page150. 
Braun P. K.u.a.S. 36 (2):22-23. 

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Habitat photo of Discocactus hartmannii 
field number  AA96
Photo, A.Arzberger

  • Habitat

    In the north-east part of Paraguay on a sandplain at he Capibarii (AA96) and in a similar area near Yhu.(ALxx1)


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Culture plant of Discocactus hartmannii 
Photo and description
Günther Königs
Collection of Kwekerij Hovens in Lottum, Holland

  •  Discocactus hartmannii ALxx1 in culture

  • Short plantdescription

    Diameter of the culture plant  is ca. 11 cm. 
    Plant height without cephalium 7 cm. 
    The colour of the epidermis is shiny green. 
    The number of ribs is18 to 20.
    Number of areoles per rib is 12 to 15 on plants without cephalium. 
    The shape of the areoles is round.
    The number of radial spines is 5 tot 7. 
    De length of the spines is 0,5 tot 1 cm. 
    De shape of the spines is straight and the colour of the spines is light brown.. 


  • Remarks

Ad de Lange, South Africa found this plant at the habitat near Yhú in the north-east of Paraguay.